
徐娟:Drivers of food price in China: A heterogeneous panel SVAR approach, Agricultural Economics


Juan XuDrivers of food price in China: A heterogeneous panel SVAR approach, Agricultural Economics.

【学术期刊】Agricultural Economics》,2021年第1期。


主要观点Employing a heterogeneous panel structural vector autoregressive (SVAR) model, this paper identifies the causal flows between the endogenous variables via directed acyclic graphs method. The empirical results from impulse response functions and variance decompositions suggest sizeable cross‐province variations. The main driving force of food price is the price inertia shock, rather than the agricultural output or the vertical chain of price transmission shocks. The findings support the view that price expectation is the key shifter of food price. Moreover, the shocks in the vertical chain of price transmission are only weakly linked to food price. Our findings are robust to an alternative panel SVAR model identified via Cholesky decomposition.

政策启示:The result that food price is mainly driven by food price inertia shock directly leads to a policy implication: the central government should pay more attention to managing price expectations when trying to control food price inflation.